
Congratulations on your new tattoo!

Taking care of your tattoo is the best way to ensure it health properly and looks great for years to come.

If you have any questions, always feel free to reach out to me.

Aftercare instructions:

  • Remove the bandage after 2-4 hours. Do not leave it on all night! If you need to, you can wet the bandage with water to more easily peel it off.

  • Starting the first night and proceeding at least daily, gently wash your tattoo with lukewarm (not hot) water and Dial Gold Antibacterial. Do not use a washcloth or scrub, just thoroughly wash away excess ink, plasma and blood with your hand.

  • Afterwards gently pat it dry - for the first day or two using a clean, disposable paper towel and not your regular towel.

  • OPTIONAL: Sometimes we will suggest you apply an aftercare product such as Aquaphor. If so, only use the ointment during the first few days, always applying very thin layer, no more than 2 to 3 times a day, and always washing in between each application. Afterwards you may proceed as follows….

  • For the first several weeks, whenever the tattoo feels dry and/or tight, apply a thin layer of unscented, moisturizing lotion, up to 2 to 3 times a day. We suggest Aveeno or Lubriderm.

  • The normal healing time is typically 2 to 4 weeks, but can sometimes take longer.

  • Keep your tattoo out of direct sunlight while it’s healing.

  • After your tattoo is healed always use sunblock (at least SPF 30) while in the sun or tanning and remember to frequently moisturize your skin with lotion. It will help keep your colors fresh.